January 2023: Predictions, AI and the 10X experiment challenge

We've got our predictions for business in 2023 — find out what they are.
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Pretotyping in action

The future is now — are you ready for it?

Spotlight on:

What we can expect in 2023

Welcome to the new year — we hope you’re as fired up as we are to get back into action with innovation, experimentation, and — of course — pretotyping.

But before we resume our scheduled programming, let's take a moment to predict the year ahead. It's a crazy time to be in business, with seismic shifts to the status quo happening globally — ChatGPT is dominating the AI scene, we're starting to feel the impact of the rapid rise of interest rates and inflation, and we're getting back to 'normal' coming out the other side of the virus-who-shall-not-be-named. The business world and economic climate are navigating uncharted waters.

With all that said, we’ve got three top predictions for how we think the next year is going to shape up…

Our predictions

  1. Businesses have huge challenges from an evolving economy, widespread layoffs, and the rise of new technologies — like AI. AI-based enterprises are going to emerge and thrive in this climate, and the first of them will be born in 2023. Take a look at Ben’s Bites Newsletter to see the hundreds of AI experiments happening now — any one of them could be the next thing to take the world by storm, like ChatGPT.

  2. If you’ve been part of the pretotyping community for a while, you will know that growth = innovation = experimentation. Companies that don’t get this will have their innovation budgets cut, and unfortunately, the error in their judgement won’t be obvious until 2024.

  3. Your company will need to run 10x more experiments this year, or it will be left in the dust. Don’t be one of the businesses a year from now wondering what went wrong — it’s time to ramp up your innovation efforts now.

The experiment challenge

Are you acting on the lessons learned from your experiments? If not, then it’s time to start. The learning and speed you get from these experiments guide your future experiments to help you reach your business goals.

So, are you ready to start your 10x experimentation challenge? Getting ahead of the competition should be enough of a reason to get the ball rolling, but if you need some extra motivation, we’ve got you covered:

Reply to this email with evidence of your experiments, and you will go into a draw for a monthly prize of a $100 Amazon gift voucher!

We can't wait to see what experiments you’ve got in the works, and may the best innovator win!

One thing

Check out episode two of Startup Checkup with Alberto Savoia to learn more about crafting your XYZ hypothesis.

Until next month, happy innovating!


February 2023: Is AI a feature or a business?


December 2022: The AI's have landed, and they're here to stay